2022 03 07

Ledger for Laravel 1.4.0 release

Ledger 1.4.0 is out with a handful of bugfixes and several improvements driven by deploying it into our in-house application. Also, the API docs have been completed.

2022 02 24

Plaid for Laravel

Today we released abivia/plaid, a fluent Laravel interface to Plaid. Plaid connects applications to a wide variety of financial accounts.

2022 02 12

Isolating business logic in Ledger

We're in the process of building the application Ledger was designed for. There is a need for operations that are indirect to the APIs, for example deleting a ledger account. The place to put that logic isn't obvious. It involves multiple models and isn't always directly related to a request or a view, so it doesn't really belong in a controller. This comes up a fair bit and the usual approaches are to have the model engage other models (creating unwanted dependencies), make a specialized...


2022 02 04

A Widget for Elementor

We released a widget for Elementor that reverses the next/previous order for post navigation. If you've got a portfolio or project site, this widget offers more intuitive navigation for visitors. Learn more here or get it now.

2022 02 04


Git tags and release notes don't tell the whole story and don't offer a place to mention the smaller projects we've created or contribute to. The intent is to keep this as a microblog: Anything that needs more than a few sentences is probably best placed somewhere else.