2022 10 12
Ledger for Laravel 1.7.2 release
Ledger 1.7.2 Addresses a bug in the trial balance report. Code on Github, Ledger Docs.
2022 09 26
Abivia Cogs 2.1.0 release
Cogs use of PHP enums was too restrictive whenever an application needed to support data-driven values. As a result Cogs 2.1.0 has relaxed type restrictions on application-specific property enumerations to allow strings in addition to PHP enums. https://github.com/abivia/cogs
2022 09 16
Ledger for Laravel 1.7.1 release
Ledger 1.7.1 Addresses a bug in the report caching module. Code on Github, Ledger Docs.
2022 09 10
Ledger for Laravel 1.7.0 release
Ledger 1.7.0 adds "clearing transactions" that permit transactions with multiple credits and debits. This release also updates the JSON schemas for requests and responses, as well as fixing a few bugs. Code on Github, Ledger Docs.
2022 08 17
Abivia Cogs and Geocoding 2.0.0
Getters in Cogs were conflicting with Laravel's relations methods. As a result, all methods have been renamed to get{Property}. Since this is a breaking change the major version number has been updated. https://github.com/abivia/cogs. Since Geocoding extends a Cogs interface, it has also been updated and released as 2.0.0. https://github.com/abivia/geocoding
2022 08 11
Abivia Cogs 1.0.0 release
Cogs, our package to help standardize business object interfaces has been released. Although the interfaces are still young, our Geocoding package makes use of one of them. That release requires the start of version tracking on Cogs. https://github.com/abivia/cogs
2022 08 11
Abivia Geocoding 1.0.1 release
The Abivia geocoding library provides a caching interface to IP address lookup APIs provided by ipinfo.io and ipstack.com. The library supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and is designed to seamlessly support other IP address geocoding services. https://github.com/abivia/geocoding
2022 06 24
Abivia Money 1.0.1 release
There was a bug when rounding numbers when the scale was zero. This has been resolved.
2022 06 24
Abivia Money 1.0.0 release
Adding to the recent proliferation of objects to represent currencies and fixed precision numbers, we've just released Abivia\Money. Distinct from other packages we looked at, Money supports rounding by default, leading to calculations that have less error than the truncation model used in the BCMath library. https://github.com/abivia/money
2022 04 02
Ledger for Laravel 1.5.1 release
Ledger 1.5.1 (and 1.5.0) have been released. 1.5.0 adds the ability to lock a journal entry. A locked entry cannot be modified through the API. 1.5.1 continues to improve the process of adding schema updates. The API docs have been updated.